韩式罂粟子麻磁面包Korean Poppy Seeds Mochi Bread

  • Prep Time
    15 Mins
  • Cook Time
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    Step 1

    将所有材料倒入搅拌缸中,一开始先用慢速2分钟将所有材料搅拌成无粉粒团状。Add all the above ingredients into the mixing bowl. Use low speed(2 minutes) to mix it into a dough.

    Step 2

    再使用中速搅打4-5分钟成为一个均勻的面团。Increase the speed to medium, continue for about 4-5 minutes until to form an even dough.

    Step 3

    缸盆表面覆盖一块湿布,休面10分钟。Cover the mixing bowl with a wet cloth, let the dough rest for 10 minutes.

    Step 4

    工作抬上稍微塗抹一些油避免沾粘,將休好的面团倒出,平均分成10等份(每份约50g).Greased your hand and divide the dough into 10 small round balls about 50g per portion.

    Step 5

    手上沾些油,将分好的小面团滚圆,间隔排放烤盘中,然后整盘放入烤箱中,关上烤箱门休面10分钟。Place the small buns in a greased baking tray and let it rest for another 10 minutes.

    Step 6

    将烤盘从烤箱中取出,烤箱打开预热至170度C。Bake in a preheated oven at 170'C for 5 minutes.

    Step 7

    将面包放入已預熱烤箱,烘烤5分钟后,打开烤箱,在面包表层喷水,然后再次关上烤箱门,再烘烤5分钟,再打开烤箱,喷水。最后将温度調整为160度,再烘烤25-30分钟即可。Then take out the baking tray from the oven, lightly spray some water onto the bread. Bake for another 5 minutes. Again take out the baking tray, lightly spray with water the bread again. Finally, reduce the temperature to 160'C and bake again for another 25-30 minutes then it is done.
